Our Services

Lawn Maintenance

Your lawn will receive a weekly or biweekly mowing (depending on the weather), trim, edge, and removal of grass clippings from April to the end of October. All surroundings on your lawn such as patios, trees, fences, etc will be trimmed with a gas-powered trimmer. Grass clippings will be blown off all surfaces including walkways, patios, and driveways. Grass clippings will be recycled on the lawn.. Recycling the grass clippings on the lawn has the following benefits:

Spring/Fall Clean Up

Use blowers and mowers to gather leaves into a pile then use vacuum to remove leaves and debris from the lawn and flower beds. This begins in early March to late March and at the beginning of November to the middle of December.

Hedge Trimming

Trim all bushes/shrubs no higher than 12 feet for a neat and professional looking appearance. Pruning the bushes and shrubs around your property will benefit your landscape by:

Mulch Installation

Pine Bark Nuggets, double shredded color enhanced mulch(Black, Red, and Brown), Pine bark Mulch, Premium double shredded cedar mulch, and double shredded hardwood mulch will be applied at a depth of 1’’-2’’ in all flower bed areas and around trees. The benefits of putting mulch down are the following:


Throughout the year, your lawn may begin to migrate into your flower beds, or the mulch in your flower beds may start to creep down toward the edge of the flower bed creating an unpleasant look. Edging will create a clear, definite line between flower beds and the lawn to provide that crisp, clean look.


Aeration allows air, moisture and nutrients to penetrate down to the root zone, as well as loosening the ground for deeper root penetration. Aeration helps reduce thatch and helps alleviate compacted areas.

Over Seeding

Grass seed gets applied via spreader to cover all bare spots and will help to create a thicker, healthier looking lawn. Over Seeding is performed after the aeration service so to provide the grass seed a greater chance of germinating.

Top Dressing

Using compost as a topdressing significantly increases soil’s water retention, improves the overall soil structure, stimulates microbial activity, breaks down thatch, and neutralizes the soil’s pH. It is simply the best, natural, slow-releasing soil amendment, containing everything turf needs to thrive.

Skid-Steer Services

Minor grading, debris pile removal, topsoil spreading, gravel spreading, ect

Sod Installation

Lay sod in bare areas that are having a difficult time growing grass seed.

Debris Removal

If you need removal of any brush piles, trash that has accumulated over the years, or anything you just want gone this service is for you.

Pressure/Power Washing

Over time your sidewalks, driveways, and concrete surfaces will become dirty with mildew or other gunk. With a pressure washing treatment you can eliminate most or all of the dirt.

Snow Removal

Use a snow plow to clear your driveway of snow. Ice melt applications are available upon request to help prevent your driveway and sidewalks from freezing.